Summary: I’ve had many experiences with technical writing. Although I still struggle with my writing abilities, I have improved in the past a tremendous amount because of the help of my English 101 professor. My experiences with technical writing ranges from budget sheets to research papers.
Discussion: The facts of this memo is that I have no idea what I’m doing. English has always been and will always be my weakest ability. Struggling throughout elementary and all through high school was the most discouraging experience. Because my class fell victim to the idea that if you could speak proper english then you would be able to correctly write english. It seem to me that everyone else was understanding what was going on and how to write papers and I didn't. The thought of seeking extra help made me feel less smarter than my classmates. If I could go back I wish I would've sought out help. My experience at NCCC has be absolutely beneficial in my learning. Technical writing has surrounded me everyday and …show more content…
I hope with the help of this class I will be able to understand technical writing and the rules of technical writing better. I believe that this class with aid in helping me in my future and in my future career.
Recommendation: Although I’ve had prior experience with technical writing, I still need help organizing my ideas and putting them on paper. I know that I’m going to need help in this class. I hope with the help of you and my textbook i’ll be able to reach my goal of achieving at least a 3.0. To reach my goal I would like to get my work done as soon as possible so you can edit them before the submission date if you would be willing to do