continue my scouting adventures. My crew has 12 members. We are called Venturers, and five of us are female. The Venturing motto is “Lead the Adventure,” so after my first year I decided to take my endeavor a step further and became the Crew secretary. Being secretary provided me with the opportunity to expand my leadership abilities, and get to know my fellow Venturers better. After my term as secretary, I decided it was time to really “Lead the Adventure” and run for president.
With most of us being young adults we are able to plan things by ourselves and get them approved from our Adult Leaders. We also plan monthly Crew events, like Whirlyball, which brings all of the Crews in the surrounding areas together to share ideas. Venturing is not only about Crew events and camping, but also service projects that help our community. We do things like Yard Charge, going out during the fall and raking people’s yards when they are unable to do it themselves, and litter clean-ups. One of my favorite activities is our annual high adventure. Each year we decided on a location, then plan our trip throughout the course of the year. In 2015 we planned a 50-mile canoe trip in Canada along the French River. In 2016, we planned a 30-mile backpacking trip along the Atlantic Ocean in Chincoteague, Virginia. These high adventure trips give us a chance to go out and see what the world has to offer, and what we, as a group and as individuals, have to offer the world. Being a part of Venturing has given me the opportunities to continue my scouting career and meet new people, who I have come to be close friends with, that this is what I believe my application wouldn’t be complete without