Animal testing goes back in the early 3rd and 4th centuries BCE in Greek writings. Ever since then animals today all over the world are still being experimented on, to produce certain medicines, and accessories. Millions of dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, etc. are locked away in cages, and suffered unbelievable to their deaths. Many today will agree that experimenting on animals should be banned, and that there are other ways to going about this, then killing innocent lives.
With the practice of experimenting on animals, and millions having to suffer to their deaths, many people have been disgusted by this act, and have tried to …show more content…
abolish animal testing. Some have tried to set up campaigns or protests to try to stop the act of animal experimentation, and from animals having to be locked away for the rest of their lives. Although many animals today are still locked up in cages and are injected with chemical substances.
One of the most common complaints that one might agree on with animal testing is that animals should not be abused, and have to suffer every day for the rest of their lives. Also that they should not be injected with chemicals daily so that laboratories can test them. PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatments of Animals) an American animal rights organization states, “Animal tests include forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits sensitive eyes,” (Para. 6). In which these animals have to suffer terribly every day in laboratories to produce some sort of substance.
Furthermore animals that are being experimenting on, and injected with chemicals will not have the same effect to a chemical substance that a human might have. Humans are very different than an animal is, in the way they are structured, and how they will react to different things. In which they will not result to the same substances like an animal would, and therefore there is no need to test on an animal, and make them suffer. According to Paul Fulong, professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University (UK), “It’s very hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we’re trying to achieve in the human,” (Para. 1). Therefore trying to test products on animals will not help humans since they are not alike, and many times products tested on animals that then go to humans often fail, and cause problems for that person.
Although some might think that experimenting on animals is an effective way to help people make medicines to help others, and is a great way for science to make new inventions. Although there is still always the possibility that the chemicals that are tested on the animal will cause great harm for humans, if the product that was tested does not work out.
Most experiments that are tested on animals are not relevant to humans, and over the years many experiments have failed to human knowledge. One of the common scientific mistakes to medicine that failed to humans, and worked on animals was thalidomide. Thalidomide was a prescribed medicine used in the 1950s for pregnant mothers with morning sickness, but when this medicine was tested on animals it had no effect on them, and scientists thought it would be safe a medicine to use on people. Although when the pregnant mothers used this medicine, it had caused over 10,000 birth defects to babies that were born (Para. 4). So little things like this shows that certain medicines that are tested on animals will not have the same effect for a human than it would for an animal, and can cause many difficulties for people if that product does not work out on them.
Another problem with animal testing is the economic cost of it. The cost of experimenting on animals is a multibillion dollar industry, in which all of it goes into spending the money on the animals, and the experimentations (Para. 4). Having to spend billions of dollars just to experiment on animals is unnecessary, and such a waste of money. Most of that money is wasted if that animal experimented on fails to whatever chemical is tested on them, and the money spent on animals should not make it so that the animal has to suffer, and be locked away in cages. Also many might agree on the fact that billions of dollars is spent to experiment on animals to suffer, to where it could be spent on other programs that are more important in the world like charity’s for the sick that help people, and is a good cause, rather than something that kills innocent lives.
Furthermore, with all the debate to weather animal experimentation is a cruel or necessary process, some might think that it is beneficial, and a rightful act. Those that think animal experimentation is ok, thinks that it is ok for an animal to suffer, and be locked up every day for the rest of their lives. Though those people don’t realize how many animals are killed each year due to animal experimentation. Also one might not realize how much pain and suffering those animals have to go through each day to see if certain products are safe for people to use. Many might think that animal testing is a way for science to create certain medicines that will help others, and not look to see that not everything tested on these animals will have a different effect to a human, then it did for the animal. Thus it takes a lot of testing to make that medicine or the product to work right, in which more animals have to suffer in pain.
With all that is happening with animal testing, there are ways in which people can help to stop this act, and help animals be safe in the world.
Programs like PETA have been trying to voice themselves, by telling people all that horrible things that take place in laboratories that kill, and test these animals, and they help to explain why animal testing is such a cruel act. Also many people can help to stop animal testing by not buying products that test animals, and also by educating others about animals being tested. Another great way that is also effective is by donating to programs that are trying to stop animal testing and them from
Ultimately the act of testing on animals is a cruel and an unnecessary process, and should be abolished. Many animals should not have to suffer every day, and be locked away in cages for the rest of their lives so that different types of medicines and products can be made for people to use. Also with all the new and advanced technology there is today there should be ways in which animals should not have to suffer and be tested, and that technology can take over. Even if people think that testing on animals is a helpful way in which new medicines can be created for people to use, it still means that one has to suffer, and die so that a product can be made. Many people today should still help to continue to ban animal testing, so that millions of animals do not have to suffer anymore. In which the act of experimenting on animals is not beneficial to human needs, and is hurting many innocent lives today.