“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -The Second Amendment. Our government of the United States of America is wanting to take our right to bear Arms away from us. Does the government have the right to do this? “Gun Control is designed to stop people from killing each other, at least that’s what we were always told” ( King par. 3) . Our government wants to ban the use of guns just to decrease the number of killings. Are guns really our problem here or is it just the society today?
If the federal government decides to disarm the public, and when the increasingly -militarized police force rolls down your street after a not-so-subtle request that you kindly turn over your firearms and ammunition “for the common good,” it will be nothing less than suicide by cop to do anything other than what you are told ( Karger par. 4). The government believes that if they take our guns away it will end all violence ,but will it? The government has not realized that guns may be a slight problem ,but society is really our problem. This is not …show more content…
Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts. I feel that a lot of American citizens feel like they have no choice but to surrender their guns if the government comes for them. I blame traditional media sources for this mass brainwash and I carry the responsibility of all small independent bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus today is to lay out your constitutional rights as as American, and let you decide what to do with those rights (Garrison par.