The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 declared marijuana for …show more content…
Each state also imposes restrictions and regulations, similar to that of alcohol. For instance, you must be over the age of 21 to purchase and can only possess up to an ounce of recreation marijuana; other restrictions can also be imposed based on the state. In Colorado and Washington, you are not able to use marijuana in public and are not able to drive under the influence; constituting 5 nanograms of THC per ML of blood as illegal. Colorado also enforces purchase limits; residents are able to purchase 1 ounce while non- residents are only able to purchase ¼ an ounce (Henchman, Scarboro 2016). Regulations that are set to ensure the safe use of marijuana, comparable to the restrictions imposed on alcohol use. Many individuals are willing to use the substance regardless of its illegal status, if more states opted for recreational marijuana use, they can adopt their own regulations while being able to embark on the other