For this project my task was to create a few pages of a new magazine aimed at teenagers aged 13-19 years old, of either or both sexes. I needed to include a front page and a double page spread, with at least 3 original images. To begin with I researched the forms and conventions of magazines in the media. I found out a lot about the layout of the magazines, for example, a lot of magazines all have the same basic layout, which is often repeated throughout all major genres of magazines. After researching the forms and conventions of magazines in general, I then went on to research other details of magazines that would influence my decisions later on in the planning stage. I began by brainstorming a large list of all the genres available to the public at the moment, which was narrowed to the ones suitable for my market. This gave me a list of approximately eight genres, including fashion and gaming. I next began research with the public to discover a little more about my target audience, for example, what it is they expect from a magazine and what it is that draws their attention towards them. I started with a questionnaire, and made sure it was only handed to people within the age group specified in the brief, to ensure my results were as relevant and accurate as possible. I decided to aim my magazine at girls and base it on fashion/style and gossip, so I did some further research into this. I also collected together some magazine covers and analysed and evaluated them to help me to come up with an idea for my magazine. Finally, I completed other research work, including mind maps and tallies of ideas which I felt needed to be chosen by the audience, to come up with the magazine which I felt was the most suitable and could be the most successful with my audience. Overall, the research I conducted was very useful and had very strong influences to every decision I made. During this process of…