Center. Around 9:00 a.m. Flight 175 struck the south tower. Flight 77 struck the Pentagon approximately 30 minutes later. Both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed by 10:30 a.m. Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Some people think they were headed towards the White House, but no one is for sure if that was their desired destination. Crashing into important buildings in America wasn’t always part of bin Laden’s plan. In 1999, he had planned to hijack some planes in other countries. For example, Malaysia and South Korea, plus a few other countries. Bin Laden had planned to do all that as well as fly planes into American buildings but decided not to do the first part of his plan because hijacking planes in different countries at the same time didn’t exactly coordinate very well. The aftermath of September 11 took about 10 years if you think about it.
The cost of losing the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon added up to about $4 billion or $5 billion dollars, and cleaning up after it took about eight months, 3 million hours of labor, and $750 million. Finding and killing Osama bin Laden took 10 years. He was finally tracked down on August 10, 2010 in a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. CIA agents watched him for months and drones took pictures of the house from the sky. On May 1, 2011, some Navy SEALs ran into the house and found bin Laden upstairs. They shot him in the head and chest, killing him instantly. That night on a public TV address, President Obama stated that “Justice has been