English 11
Is wealth all it’s really cracked up to be?
In Langston Hughes short story Why, you reckon? you see the trials and tributes of a young mans life in one night as he takes part in acts that are morally unsound in order to deal with poverty. There are many people that face issues with money everyday and families that can hardly feed themselves. Often people think that “The grass is always greener on the other side” but many times that is not the case. The author doesn’t give much description of the narrator or the other fellow other than the fact that they look “hongry”, but he does go into detail about Ed-ward. The first thing that you notice is that when he arrives he is getting out of his own car instead of a taxi and that itself implies that he is wealthy. Then you see that he is dressed nicely with a gold watch, tuxedo, nice shoes and so on. All of these things make him the ideal target for …show more content…
Each character has different traits for instance The Narrator, and The Other Fellow are both dealing with poverty while Ed-ward has more money than he knows what to do with. All though The Narrator, and Other Fellow have that one thing in common does that make them the same? No. The Narrator starts out his night just as any other, hungry. He never had the thought to harm someone or take from them just because he had nothing, but then the Other Fellow comes across this helpless looking young man and sees an advantage for himself. The Other Fellow then manipulates this young man to help him rob a rich white person. This is where Ed-ward comes ion play, but he does not react to this incident like you would predict. Instead of being frightened and scares or fighting he simply lets the actions run their course sitting there calmly, and I think this tells you a lot about him and makes you wonder what things he is facing in his own