Human Growth and Development in Addictions, Clinical, Rehabilitation and Career Counseling
Throughout this course I have gain much knowledge and understanding about life span development. Most of all I learned that it varies depending on a lot of factors such as an individual’s environment, socioeconomic status, cultural, disability status, etc. I became more aware of the different theorists, theories, and model associated with life span development and how they are all interconnected in more way than not. People experience many transitions across their life span; some experience more crises than others, some develop disabilities, some experience neglect from parents, some never experience any type of abandonment. My counseling philosophy corresponds with my understanding that every situation is different and every situation could be worse. This course has …show more content…
As a child I grew up in a small country town where I was kind to nearly everyone. My parents split when I was twelve, and my father’s side of the family have a strong history of kidney disease. My mother has strong faith in God, and I am the youngest. All of these factors play roles in my development. I have dedicated to achieving my goals (mind set), and I understand that even though my past was not the best, my situation could be worse. My mind set and understanding of how situation varies influence how I developed socially, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. My father’s bloodline influence how I developed physically, having a kidney disorder. However, I am not allowing the disease to stop me from moving forward. Even with my situation, I understand that other who are in similar situation may have struggles and allow barrier to negatively influence their development causing them not to function at an optimal