Your CV is a fact-based document, a concise summary of your skills, experience and education. When putting together your CV keep in mind that employers will scan through the document to discover if you are competent and qualified to do a job. It is therefore essential to ensure your CV is clearly presented and easy to read; it should be no more than two sides of A4 paper, 11 or 12 font; if it is too long, refine it. Remember to double check your punctuation and spelling and ask someone else to read it as they may see mistakes you have missed or make some useful suggestions to improve it.
When applying for teaching jobs the following headings are suggested; remember to give information in reverse chronological order where applicable. 1. Personal Details Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address and DfES reference number as soon as you know it. 2. Education • Reverse chronological order, with your most recent experiences first. • Give brief details of your education from the age of 11: - Higher / Further Education - Secondary Education - Other Education & Training Include the dates, name of the institution and town. List your qualifications level, subjects and grades (Full address is not required). • Highlight your most recent course/qualification by including some detail about your current course, any special features, options or projects you have undertaken. PGCE students should include information on the content and class of their degree. 3. School Experience • Include School placement name, dates, year group etc. • Include any school based projects • Also include any possible school experience not yet taken 4. Additional Teaching Experience This can include previous school experience i.e. school or college work experience placement as well as other teaching experience i.e. youth club worker 5. Other Work Experience • List any previous experience–including voluntary and work experience. • Include a Job Title, dates, brief
References: (Contents number 8) You usually need two references: The first one will be an academic reference from your course, who will issue a report on your performance. This reference will combine reports sent by your lecturers, tutors and school experience schools Your second reference should be the head teacher of a school where you have completed some work experience or your department head Bishop Grosseteste University College Careers Service