Abstract 2
Chapter One: Introduction and Overview 4 1.1 Research background 4 1.2 Introduction of selected case 6 1.3 Research aim and questions 10 1.4 Methods of the study 11 1.5 Research significances 11 1.6 Thesis structure 12
Chapter Two: Literature Review 12 2.1 Advertising 13 2.1.2 TV commercials 18 2.1.3 Elements of TV commercials 21 2.2 Customer behavior 23 2.2.1 Theoretical foundation 23 2.2.2 Factors influence consumers purchase decision 24 2.3 The relationship between advertising and customer behavior 26 2.3.1 The aspects influencing advertising information 26 2.3.2 Consumer response process: AIDA Model 27 2.3.3 Previous studies related to topic 29 2.3 Summery and hypotheses 31
Chapter Three: Methodology 32 3.1 Research philosophy, approach and strategy 32 3.2 Sampling 33 3.3 Research instrument 34 3.4 Procedures for data collection 35 3.5 Data analysis 35 3.6 Research ethics 36 3.7 Methodology limitation 37 3.8 Summery 37
Chapter Four: Research Results 38 4.1 Personal information 39 4.2 The extent of impact of TV advertisements 40 4.3 The extent of impact of TV commercial elements 41 4.4 Summery 42
Chapter Five: Discussion 44 5.1 Impact of TV advertisements: based on AIDA model 44 5.2 Impact of TV commercial elements 46 5.3 Summary 48
Chapter Six: Conclusion 50 6.1 Summary of study 50 6.2 Recommendations for SK-II 54 6.2.1 Product brand 54 6.2.2 Product presenters 56 6.2.3 Persuasive messages 57 6.3 Research limitation and recommendations for further studies 58 6.3.1 Research limitation 58 6.3.2 Recommendation for further studies 59
Table 1 29
Table 2 41
Table 3 42
Table 4 43
Table 5 45
Figure 1 30
Appendix one 68
Appendix Two: 73
The thesis aims to demonstrate the impact of TV advertising on customer behavior of products, and to investigate to what extent TV commercials influence Chinese buyers’ toner products purchasing decisions and to what extent do the elements of TV