Narrowed Focus: Compare and contrast how the governments of Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica have addressed the issue of crime.
Thesis: Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica have both recruited the expert services of foreign police officers whilst their approach to community policing and legislation differ in addressing the issue of crime.
According to the United Nations Human Development Report on Citizen Security 2011, "In many Caribbean territories crime and fear of crime seriously undermine the quality of life." Crime has steadily been on the rise in Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica. As the catastrophically negative effect on tourism and daily life grows ever more evident both governments have been struggling to find a solution. Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica have both recruited the expert services of foreign police officers whilst their approach to community policing and legislation differ in addressing the issue of crime. The governments of Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica have both resorted to recruiting the expert services of foreign police officers. In 2004 according to an article from the Jamaica Gleaner, the government embarked on an initiative to "recruit police personnel from overseas with expertise in intelligence gathering and forensic analysis, to work at the operational level". They also collaborated with foreign organisations under the advice of foreign recruited officers one being O 'Neil Hamilton. However, all these efforts were relatively unsuccessful in alleviating the crime problem. Similarly the government of Trinidad and Tobago has recruited more than three foreign police officers over the past three years. The first two being a former Edmonton police superintendent Dwayne Gibbs and former police chief Jack Ewatkski who later resigned their positions and failed to make any real progress dealing with the crime in Trinidad
Cited: Jamaica Gleaner 1834. JHTA backs Crime Plan. 23 Oct. 2004. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. United Nation Programme." Caribbean Human Development Report on Citizen 2012". NUDP. n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013 Ricky Singh. Jamaica Observer." Security threats, rogue cops and politicking". 17 Nov.2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2013 The National Security Policy for Jamaica 2012. "The New Approach: National Security Policy for Jamaica 2012". n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013 David E. Bratt M.D. Commentary. Trinidad and Tobago Guardian. "Jamaica Delivers Result In Crime Fight". 27 Aug. 2013. Print Camille Bethel. "Follow Jamaica 's Lead". Express Newspaper. 27 Aug. 2013. Print Andrea Bagoo. "Community Policing Not New To Trinidad". Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. 20 Jan. 2008. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.