It was night time when the Romans came with a group of large men to arrest him (In the laws that the Romans established for trials, a man could not be convicted during the night time nor could any trials take place) and they expected him to be fleeing from them which is why they brought lanterns, torches, and weapons. When Jesus gave himself up to the group of soldiers pursuing him, he asked them to let his disciples go freely and his disciples did not argue with Jesus’s request and they abandoned him, leaving him all alone. Which leads to believe that his followers were not concerned with what was going to happen to Jesus but instead were more concerned with their own personal well-being. Not saying that they meant for Jesus to be captured or that they had no concern for their leaders own safety but that they were just scared in the overwhelming odds of them versus the horde of roman soldiers. The reason that the Jewish patriots showed hostility towards Jesus summed up to a number of things, the claims that he made, (he claimed to be the son of god or the messiah but many of them did not believe him and thought he was lying, and if he was truly the messiah it meant that his power outweighed their authority which they did not want.) the deeds that he made outraged them, (when they witnessed Jesus heal a man who was …show more content…
ieving that he was truly the son of God they claimed that he was getting his power from Satan) he was a threat to their normal practice, (they had a system of selling sacrificial animals in a temple but when Jesus found out about this he ran them out of the temple telling them to “stop making my Father's house a place of business.", which disrupted their normal way of running