
How Was Julius Caesar Successful

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Julius Caesar, son of Gaius and Aurelia Caesar, became dictator of the Roman empire in 44 B.C.. Being named ‘Dictator for life’ did not come easy. Caesar had shown the Roman Empire that he was dependable enough to make the right decisions at the right time, especially in the military. In fact, Caesar is often remembered as one of the best military minds in history. He was a very successful man when it came to government. He also did a lot of great things for the Empire. Most of the Romans’ loved him being dictator. Caesar thought more of his people than he did himself. Caesar passed a number of reforms, a few of them included giving land to the poor Romans, making sure military veterans had land after their service, and he also passed a law against extortion, meaning that you couldn’t threaten someone just to get what you want. As you can see, he was a great person all around. He had a deep care for his people. …show more content…

His most famous military achievement was his conquest of Gaul. He pushed north and south and ended up extending Rome over modern day France, Germany and Spain. He defeated most of the tribes in these regions. They were easily maneuvered by Caesar’s well put together Roman legions. After a decade of fighting, Caesar had conquered all of Gaul, which is modern day France.

Like I said in the first paragraph, Caesar passed many great reforms, but in my opinion the three greatest were giving land to the poor Romans and to the military veterans, and also the law against extortion. Those laws weren’t just careless, they were well thought out. You can tell that Caesar was a good guy by passing those laws. As I said earlier, he cares an awful lot for the Romans and their empire. I feel like if I were living back then that would be very important to

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