Child-Rearing and Gender Socialization in the Philippines
Joseph Jayson M. Bonifacio
SY 1216
At the moment of conception, sex is already determined, the egg cell contains an X chromosome, the sperm either contains X or Y, if the sperm is X and it unites with the egg the result is female which is XX. If the sperm is Y, the result is a male which is XY chromosome. After nine months the gender of the baby will prepare the mother to how she with the help of the father raise their child and attend to their needs when he/she comes out of the world.
Child-rearing is the practice of looking after children until they are old enough to look after themselves; it is the practices of different societies, at different economic levels, in different ethnic groups, etc. How we raise our children defines us as a country, it gives insights about our culture and especially how we determine the roles of a man and woman in our society. Raising daughters and sons the Filipino way have different aspects and phases. The division of gender is eminent in the Filipino culture; boys are given specific roles that are expected of them, the same as a girl would be.
The division of gender gives way to competition between two genders, questions like whose most preferred, moral values, responsibilities and economic advantage is always a factor to what gender is better. Another division is the style of how the parents raise their children, maternal versus paternal child-rearing. This division is the start of sex-role typing for the males and the females which they will carry out as they grow old and have their own family.
The development of a child does not only limit to his or her physical, cognitive, perceptions, social, heredity and environment but especially how the parents help them become who they will be in the future. To prove this, experimentations, surveys and case studies were made.
Studies show that sons are preferred over daughters; it is