Class: CIS 600
Professor: Brian Burton
How will technology impact Banks
History ……………………….2
Impact of technology in Banks….4
Technology in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Wells Fargo Banks….6
History Technology had changed the way people obtain financial services. It has also save time and money allowing people to conduct banking efficiently. Technology has helped banking transform from bulk paper and waste to paperless communication and means of transferring funds. The technology evolved includes telephone banking (telephone technology), credit cards, debit cards (money transfer technology), electronic money, and automatic teller machines.(2) These technologies have created efficiency and time saving methods of conducting business for people. Some importantly, technology has lead to tighter security and safer methods of conducting business for everyone. Bank security or compliance officers use computers and technology to help ensure that banks understand, follows guidelines and control the risk of the complex and new world of financial services. Security has changes over many years through the advancement of technology, evolving from manual examining fraudulent activities to using advance computers and program that can identify fraudulent activities, checks, and even viruses (new age threat to banking). Technology advancement in banks has lead to convenience, speed, time saving and cheaper methods of conducting banking. Today, many people are slowly deleting traditional methods of utilizing financial services or money such as the change from checks to debit/credit cards and automatic payments.
Technology has creating e-banking or electronic banking. E-Banking can be defined as the automated delivery of new and traditional banking