
How Woman Changed Their History Essay

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How Woman Changed Their History
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How Woman Changed Their History
As images flash across the television of women wearing burqa’s American women sit in disbelief that this can possibly be happening in the modern world. Although there was once a time when American women did not hold rights of being an American citizen it took the hard work and determination of women to fight for those. During World War II women developed a slogan that is still in use today “we can do it” read the ad with a women in a mans flannel shirt showing her muscles (WWII). While women used this ad to keep up the home front during the war it explains the fight through history such as the suffragists, the ability
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This type of gun hoe spirit paved the way for other feminine activists such as Margaret Sanger and her dedication to developing birth control and spreading reproduction education to all women. Women where redeveloping themselves in sexuality and in their desires for work and equal pay they redefined their roles in society time and time again. In our modern world we see women being shipped off to war leaving children behind to be cared for while they serve their nation they are not just another military member but they refuse to let women continue to be defined as weak or incapable.

Anonymous. (n.d). Profiles: Selected leaders of the national woman 's party . Library of Congress. Retrieved from
Bowles, M.(2011). American History 1865 - Present. End of Isolation. Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved from
Eastman, M. (1911). Is woman suffrage important?. The North American Review, 193(662), 60-71. Retrieved from

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