Critics may say, your identity is created by you because you live your own life. A woman named Rachel Dolezal was a person who chose her own identity. She was white woman then converted to black. Although her biological parents are white she still identifies as a black person. Because of her actions someone stated, “Rachel Dolezal will never be black because she can stop being black.” This person clearly states that she is being someone who she is not. This clearly shows that your identity is given to you it is not created. Your identity is based on years and years of genetic modification you can’t change it. …show more content…
Based on the, “The DNA Journey, (” A company got people from all around the world and asked them to take a DNA test to see where they’re from. “There was a man Jay who claims he’s 100% English. Two weeks later he received his results. The he was 55% Ireland, 30% Great Britain, 5% France-Germany, 3% Spain-Portugal, 3% Italy-Greece, 3% Scandinavia and 1% Turkey.” Due to this information, he was shocked because he always convinced himself that he was 100% English. This proves my claim that your identity is given to you by your parents, grandparents and ancestors. Everyone has a unique genetic code based on their past. This clearly shows that there is no pure race in this