Professor Abraham
September 10, 2012
The Truth about Solitude
In the article “The End of Solitude”, William Deresiewicz says “Loneliness is not the absence of company; it is grief over that absence…if boredom is the great emotion of the TV generation then loneliness is the great emotion of the web generation”. Deresiewicz believes the two emotions are closely related. Since they are both characteristic of the modern era, he says, “as their generation lost the ability to be still, their capacity for idleness, we have lost the ability to be alone which is our capacity for solitude.” From a young person’s perspective; why would someone want to be completely alone? The youth does not seem to grasp the idea, but once they find out the truth behind life, then they will begin to understand the value of solitude.
Young generation does not value solitude because they think being alone is the same as being lonely. Today’s young generation often mistakes loneliness because most of them don 't take the time to gain a better understanding of what solitude really means. Since solitude is attained through time; the young generation often mistake loneliness for being alone. They often think solitude is obtained though social networking, texting, listening to music, and other solo activities. Yet after having five hundred and something friends, one still finds themselves lonely. Maybe the reason is the youth is looking for inner peace in the wrong places, which explains why they mistake it for loneliness. I can speak behalf of the young crowd and from personal experience, through time I found myself in the state of loneliness. Therefore it brought me to the social networking scene. Despite the fact, I had six hundred and thirty five friends, I often found myself in the same scenario as the young crowd. I felt less lonely through social networking, exchanging text messages, and etc; however now I’m able to differentiate the meaning of solitude and
Cited: Deresiewicz, William. "The End of Solitude." From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader. By Stuart Greene and April Lidinsky: 2nd Ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2012. 91-98. Print.