Since his theory has been introduced, many schools and educators have begun to incorporate different teaching methods in an effort to include all of the ways students can learn best through. I possess high levels of Verbal-Linguistic and Logical-Mathematical intelligences, and would like to develop my Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence more. I’ve always responded well to words, so it was no surprise that Verbal-Linguistic is my highest intelligence. People who are high in this intelligence think in words, enjoy reading and writing in their free time, have highly developed auditory skills, and can be taught well through words, directions, and books. Any of my friends could tell you that I love to read. Ever since I learned, I have devoured books like I’m starving. The summer before my 5th grade year I read the Percy Jackson series at least 9 times, and that doesn't include the many times I've reread it since. I currently always have a stack from the library waiting right by my bed, and a second more permanent pile of books I loved so much I …show more content…
I knew I wasn’t gifted in this area, but it was surprising to see it so low. This intelligence learns best through their hands, are body-aware and coordinated, use their bodies effectively, and have superior body language. Hands-on activities have always been a weakness for me because I always get frustrated that I never know what the teacher’s looking for or what I’m exactly supposed to do. This is especially evident in science class when we’re told to observe different elements about an object or a lab. I never have much to say since we’re not given more specific directions. I’m on a swim team, so I’ve learned how to control my body and learned how my body moves in the water, but on regular ground I’m not as in-sync with my body. Learning to better learn through my hands will only expand and widen my learning opportunities, like helping me gain a better understanding for labs and other experiments in science. It will also give me better control over my body and could help me be more coordinated. I hope to better develop this intelligence by paying more attention to physical aspects to things and noting differences and similarities between the structures and design of things. I will also observe more fully how things, people, and animals move, and pay better attention to how I move and which muscles do what. Being more aware during physically-involved projects will help me increase my Bodily-Kinesthetic