Hewlett-Packard (HP) was founded in 1939 from William Hewlett & David Packard with $538. It is an american mulitnational information technology corporation, which is headquartered in Palo Alto and provides hardware, software and services for that.
Their built their first product, an audio-frequency oscillator in a garage, now this garage is known as the birthplace of Silicon Valley. One of their first cumstomers were the Walt Disney Studios. In 1999 HP was divided into two independent companies: First HP itself was responsible for computer, imaging & printers and second, Agilent Technologies was responsible for measurement technology, medicine electronic and much more.
In may 2002, HP mergerd with the computer manufacturer Compaq and the result would have been combined sales of almost $82 billion for fiscal year 2001.
Although the sales were down about 13% ad a result of the continuing slum in most high thech markets. After that the new HP group was organized into four core business groups, including 1.enterprise systems group: which provided technology to support enterprise IT infrastructure 2.Imiganing& Printing Group: which developed & sold printers, digital imaging devices, scanners 3.Personal Systems Group: which engineered and sold PC´s in a variety of forms 4.HP Service Group: which delivered global IT infrastructure services.
Cisco Systems was founded in 1984 from a group of Stanford University scientist with the challenge to simplify the networking of computers and make it more effective. Cisco systems designs, manufactures and sells networking & communication equipment. In March 2000, Cisco Systems was briefly the most expensive company in the world with a market value of about $555 billion. Routers and switches comprised about 70% of the comany´s sales. Cisco hat approxemitaly
35.000 employees with offices in 60 countries.
Alliance manager
What are the responsibilities of an Alliance manager: