The Company
"All Sri Lankans seamlessly connected with world-class information, communication and entertainment services.“
"Your trusted and proven partner for innovative and exciting communication experiences delivered with passion, quality and commitment"
Organizational Structure
Recruitment and selection process
HR Planning
SLT regional branches inform available vacancies to the head office.
Each department decides number of employees to be recruited.
Inform vacancy requirements to recruitment section
Plan deadlines.
Create strategic plan for the recruitment.
Decide recruitment type.
Decide whether to recruit through direct SLT or SLT human capital solutions. If an employee is recruited by SLT, the HR section of SLT is responsible for all HR related activities (eg. Insurance, EPF, ETF, leave) of the employee. If an employee is recruited by SLT human capital solutions, it is responsible for all HR related activities of the employee. The decision depends on employment type and financial position of the organization
SLT Human Capital Solutions
It is fully own subsidiary of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC. It provides human resource services to SLT.
Prepare job description and job specification
Job description includes: Summary of position, location, reporting to, duties and responsibilities
Job specification includes: Qualifications, experience, skills and responsibilities
The recruitment section search their CV database to find matching CV for the position. If they found a matching CV, the candidates are called for an interview. If they couldn’t find appropriate CV they plan for advertising.
Plan for Advertising
Recruitment section sends job description and specification to marketing section.
Marketing section creates draft advertisement sends it to recruitment section for fine-tunes. If the position is more technical one the draft is sent to the relevant section for fine