When you walk into an airline’s headquarters for an interview, the first people you usually talk to are the human resource employees. These are the individuals who are responsible for hiring new employees to work for the company. Unlike other careers, flying for an airline requires many skills and patience to be successful. According to one of the human resource department employees of TNT Airlines, the job of the human resource department is one of the most difficult ones within the whole company. They have to choose among hundreds and hundreds of candidates for only a few positions. These are some of the most difficult decisions human resource personnel have to make on a daily basis (TNT Airlines). Every company in the airline industry has a group of individuals called the human resource department. Although selecting the correct employees for the job is a big part of their job, researching and buying the best training aids is also a huge task for which they have to take responsibility. Along with hundreds of other
References: Assaad Farah. (2005) Human Resource Management Training and Accident Prevention in the Airline Industry. Retrieved on June 19, 2010 from http://www.aerlines.nl/issue_26/Farah_HRM.pdf Chuck Magill. (2008) Southwest Airlines Officer Biographies. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www.southwest.com/swamedia/sidebar/officer_bios.html Continental Airlines. (2008) Continental Airlines Training Program. Retrieved on June 15, 2010 from http://www.b737.com/mission.htm Gary Stoller. (2010) Chautauqua Airlines accused of maintenance violations. Retrieved on June 16, 2010 from http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2010-04-27-faa-chautauqua-fine_N.htm TNT Airlines. (2009) Human Resource Department. Retrieved on June 17, 2010 from http://www.tntairways.com/82_Administration.html