Introduction 2
Organogram Management Level 4
HR at KAC Fashion 5
Recruitment & Selection 6
Recruitment Sources 7
• Advertising 7
• Employee Referrals 8
• Walk-ins and Write-ins 8
Selection 9
Employee Training 10
Process of Identifying Training need 10
Performance Management 13
Incentives and Benefits 15
Labor Management 18
Conclusion 19
Acronyms 20
Bibliography 21
Work Distribution 22
The total foreign currency Bangladesh earns, a major part of that comes from the readymade garments. Being one of the members of third world country our country got obligation to our export sector and money coming from foreign remittance. Moreover garments industry is accommodating millions of people with the employment. With that it’s also having a major share in our GDP.
5 years ago HR department existed only in some of the leading garments company but now every garments company have to have a HR department of their own and it has to be very close to the top management to communicate well with the senior management about the needs and wants of labor. In order to get the certificate of buyer and to get some of the international certificate HR is performing as a way to exploit labor in the garments industry.
In order to get more order from buyer and maximize profit HR department of a garments industry do the paper work like documentation and maintaining the working condition with the international standard and many things like that. Along with the compensations and benefits they also maintain the training and development section. Some of the work they do which are out of the job of HR, that is included in the report to reveal the real picture of HR practice in garments industry.
To prepare our assignment on HR management we selected KAC fashion, located in Savar. It’s a well recognized name in the garments sector. Some of very secret information about HR practice is revealed through our analysis. We got