First we began with obtainable knowledge of Walmart and their current business practices.
Wal-Mart employs more people than any other company in the United States outside of the Federal government. Forbes magazine, polling business executives has ranked Wal-Mart among the best 100 corporations to work for. Yet the employees on average take home pay of under $250 a week.The salary for full-time employees (called "associates") is $6 to $7.50 an hour for 28-40 hours a week, which is typical in the discount retail industry. This pay scale places employees with families below the poverty line, with the majority of employees' children qualifying for free lunch at school.
Through out the years Walmart has done well with the hiring of employees in masses and keeping a full staff majority of the time. Hiring a staff at minimum wage has done well from a corporate stand point. Bringing extra workers in during the holiday season has created gains for the company and is a pretty good business strategy.
Finally the anouncement to hire all veterans that apply within the first year of military discharge was good PR choice. Unfortunately with your added success in keeping a well maintained staff, there has been several negative accusations and lawsuits against you, such as Walmart vs Dukes,which is a sexual discrimination case, also overtime wages for temp workers.
It's clear there is need for an emphasis on extra equal opportunity training for all managers. It is suggested that each store hire and keep a team of board members made up senior workers, from which a voting process will be made from panel of peers for all manager positions. All applicants should meet the minimum criteria of time and service, time in grade.
Walmart hires nearly 600,000