Sukumar Vyas read the message on his E-mail. It was an anxious and urgent message from sudeep Rai, the vice-president of human resource development (HRD) at Trifle India Ltd. (TIL). It read: "TIL is downsizing in a big way, and this comes as a shock to me. It was not on the agenda when I accepted their offer, and I am wrecked by a tremendous feeling of despair over this exercise. The agitation I am feeling is straining my objectivity. I need to talk to you urgently."
Vyas pondered for a minute. Rai's inner conflict was not alien to him. However, he also knew that Rai would have to experience this conflict if he had to find a solution. Vyas' message back to Rai read: "I know your feeling. But you need to sift anger from concern. It can be debilitating. Do not react. You need to respond. There is no value in pitting `what was' with `what is.' You are at TIL and there is a development metaphor in downsizing too, if you look for it. I will now speak to you on Saturday, 10 P.M. Rai read the message with disappointment. He had hoped that his former professor and guide of 15 years would once again provide him with some much-needed light on his new dilemma. His feeling of disappointment with TIL was overwhelming. When he left Keelo India to join TIL, there were many more changes to cope with than just a new job in Bombay. For one, he was leaving behind his hometown, Bangalore, where he had lived all his life. However, he had made the change because the challenges before him at TIL, a multi-product company which manufactured processed foods, tetra-packed beverages and agrochemicals, were much more exciting than at Keelo, which was in household hygiene products.
TIL vice-president (HRD) Noshir Munsiff was leaving to take up an overseas posting with the parent company. Rai had been personally recruited by Munsif and chairman, D.N. Neogi. Munsiff had said that TIL was about to double its turnover, and that new plants and