Absenteeism and Labour Turnover
For many industries, lack of trained labour force is a problem. However, these problems are compounded by the fact that there are multitudes of unemployed potential labourers who, however, do not have the adequate skills for the job. Additionally, many do not also have the means to market themselves, or to make themselves available for jobs. Hence, lack of availability of labour is not merely a demand-supply problem, it has deeper socio-economic roots that need to be looked at from various perspectives.
However, in many organized sectors where the demand for labour has been effectively met, absenteeism and huge turnover of labourers bring about their own problems. In many cases, absenteeism is prevalent in PSUs and government owned organizations. Causes are many, and include unionism, lack of ownership and participation, availability of alternate employment, misuse of benefits and remuneration and sometimes, lack of effective management control.
Child labour
According to the 1991 Census, the number of working children in the country was of the order of 11.28 million. The existence of child labour in hazardous industries continues to be a great problem in India. Non-availability of accurate, au thentic and up-to-date data on child labour has been major handicap in planned intervention for eradication of this social evil. However, efforts are underway to modify and improve the existing National Child Labour Project. A major activity undertaken under this scheme is the establishment of special schools to provide non-formal education, vocational training, supplementary nutrition, stipends, health care, etc. to children withdrawn from employment in hazardous industries.
However, this is not a problem that can be solved merely by legislation. Again, a socio-economic problem with deeper roots into the socio-economic strata of the backward states of India (particularly the