Submitted by: Abhishek Bansal (A003) Pranav Kamath (A012) Aanchal Maria (A018) Kritika Thakur (A029)
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 3
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT ...................................................... 4
HR METRIC ............................................................................ 5
HR METRICS & EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT .............................. 6
Annexure ................................................................................ 8
References .............................................................................. 9
Human capital is one of the least measured and analyzed investments, despite the fact that more than 70% of company costs are labor related. Executives are realizing that they do not have a firm grasp on the characteristics and capabilities of their workforce. Investors are asking for „human capital‟ statements to be included as part of annual reports because human capital drives the performance of all other assets. The process of managing and improving the workplace is crucial and presents great challenges to nearly every organization. So it is vital that the instruments used to create change do, in fact, measure workplace dynamics The world‟s top-performing organizations understand that employee engagement is a force that drives business outcomes. Research shows that engaged employees are more productive employees. They are more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and more likely to withstand temptations to leave the organization. In the best organizations, employee engagement transcends a human resources initiative — it is the way they do business. Employee engagement is a strategic approach supported by tactics for driving improvement and organizational change. The best performing companies know that developing an employee engagement strategy and linking it to the achievement of