The term professional, like many words and concepts has many different dimensions and the meaning of which has changed over time. One definition might be getting paid to complete a specific set of specialised tasks. Another might be an uncompromising commitment to performing at the highest level at all times. Yet another could be displaying a polite, considerate and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Whilst most of these statements are partially correct, there are many aspects to conducting yourself in a professional manner. The most recognised benchmark of achieving success and achieving professionalism in HR is to become a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Although, it is not what we do that makes us a professional, it is how we do it and the CIPD Code of Professional Conduct (recently revised) sets a high standard to ensure its members are committed to delivering the highest standards of behaviour and practice in the HR field and focused on continuous professional development. This results in the reputation of the profession being protected and standards maintained. (CIPD, 2011)
HR professionals, no matter the level should act as ambassadors of the organisations they work for as they have a shared corporate responsibility along with having to adhere to organisational codes of conduct and policies. It is here also that reputation is upheld in favour of the company, not just you as an individual or the CIPD as a professional body.
“Believe passionately in what you do, and never knowingly compromise your standards and values. Act like a true professional, aiming for true excellence, and the money will follow.”
– David Maister (1947- ), business management consultant. The