Accident compensation Affirmative action
Also : Positive discrimination. Carried out on behalf of women and disadvantaged groups and members of such groups are placed in dominant positions.
Appraisal Attrition
See Performance planning. A term used to describe voluntary and involuntary terminations, deaths, and employee retirements that result in a reduction to the employer's physical workforce. Leader determines policy of the organisation, instructs members what to do/make, subjective in approach, aloof and impersonal. A popular strategic management concept developed in the early 1990's by Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the balanced scorecard is a management and measurement system which enables organisations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. The goal of the balanced scorecard is to tie business performance to organisational strategy by measuring results in four areas: financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth. An appraisal that requires raters list important dimensions of a particular job and collect information regarding the critical behaviors that distinguish between successful and unsuccessful performance. These critical behaviours are then categorised and appointed a numerical value which is used as the basis for rating performance. An interview technique which focuses on a candidates past experiences, behaviours, knowledge, skills and abilities by
Autocratic leadership Balanced Scorecard
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Behavioural based
asking the candidate to provide specific examples of when they have demonstrated certain