Employee surveys are one of the most important tools in the modern day corporate society. A good employee surveys not only provides an organisation with an opportunity to understand the employee needs but also gives them necessary details as to where they need to change so as to get optimum employee satisfaction. A company can use these surveys to analyse the levels of Employee satisfaction so that they can take the necessary measures to increase to employee and employer relationship and ultimately enhance the on the job productivity of the organisation. Thus it is very important to have a proper employee survey that suits best to the organisation environment and company goals and objectives. This report discusses the existing pattern of employee survey in Jollibee enterprises and tries to rectifies the areas where the survey can be improved upon. Here we have discussed how the survey has to be planned and what are the key variables that have to be kept in mind while preparing the survey. We have first discussed the flaws in the current survey policy of the firm and then discussed the key issues that shall govern the new survey policy. We have underlined the key HRM issues that shall be discussed while preparing a survey and provided needful recommendations for the same.
An Employee Survey has for long been a very instrumental toll for companies in order to assess the employee needs and job satisfaction. Since it is the Employee force that has to deliver the final goods to the company, it becomes very important for the company to assess any dissatisfaction among the employees and to take all the require measures to ensure that an employee can deliver optimal output. Thus it is imperative to have a survey that not only gives the assessment of the employee motivation, but also suits the work culture and the organizational environment. If the survey is inaccurate or not upto the mark, there are great chances that the