Drawing from theories and models that inform adults and organisational learning, critically evaluate an HRD program or intervention that you deliver or have personally experienced.
This essay looks into a learning program which was personally delivered. It aims to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the program by drawing upon relevant theories and models revolving around adult and organisational learning. Theories are used to substantiate the step by step processes undertaken in the program as well as to critique the areas which could have been performed better or were carried out successfully by the program coordinators.
This essay is told from the perspective of a facilitator’s role in which I was primarily involved in. At the end of this essay, we hope to understand how a successful HRD learning program should be run and what factors significantly influence its success.
Learning Program
The selected program used throughout this essay as a case study is the ‘Combat Medical NSmen Ops Refresher Training’. The program involved me as one of the key facilitators which was conducted during my national service time.
The objective was to ensure the competence of the National Service (NS) men in carrying out their medical responsibilities and performing up to expectations when the time arises for them to do so in future. This was carried out by first refreshing the NSmen’s theoretical knowledge of specific medical subject matter, i.e. various emergency surgical procedures, that was taught during their NS days.
Typically conducted annually, the refresher training would see the NSmen undergoing classroom learning followed by a practical hands-on session of role playing, after which they would be tested under a controlled, simulated setting as a form of learning assessment.
The refresher training was a one-day program carried out in the compounds of the Singapore Armed Forces Medical Training Institute (SMTI). The