HRM’s Role in Finding the Right Person for the Job
HRM’s Role
HRM’s Role in Finding the Right Person for the Job Human Resources Management as an organizational function is indispensible in providing human capital to ensure the organizational mission and goals are achieved. This requires a particular expertise in determining several factors to hire and retain the most qualified incumbent possible. Several processes must be performed to achieve this goal; such as: job planning, compensation, benefits, recruitment, selection, and development. These correlating processes are instrumental in finding the right person for the job. First, in his book, Human Resources Management, John M. Ivancevich states that “Human resource planning (HR planning) is both a process and a set of plans.1 It is how organizations assess the future supply of and demand for human resources. In addition, an effective HR plan also provides mechanisms to eliminate any gaps that may exist between supply and demand. Thus, HR planning determines the numbers and types of employees to be recruited into the organization or phased out of it. Dynamic by nature, the HR planning process often requires periodic readjustments as labor market conditions change.” (pg. 125) The planning process encapsulates four critical stages of focus, which are 1) Situation analysis/environmental scanning; 2) Forecasting demand for human resources; 3) Analysis of the supply of human resources; and 4) Development of the action plan. In stage one of the planning process, it is imperative that HRM and the organization’s strategic plan are aligned to ensure that HRM is effectively evaluating the needs of the company; as well as the external environment, then present suitable
HRM’s Role individuals with cutting-edge skills to fill the vacancies. In stage two of the process, there are several quantitative tools available to the HRM to forecast employment demands. Most HRM rely heavily on gut
References: HRhero.com (2010) M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC. Retrieved from http://www.hrhero.com/topics/eeoc.html Ivancevich, J. M. (2010) Human Resource Management. New York, NY: McGrawHill/Irwin Stine, Stephen (2010, April). Do your benefit plans violate ADEA?. HRhero.com Retrieved from http://hrhero.com/hl/articles/2010/04/15/do-your-benefit-plansviolate-the-adea/ 10