What is Ethics?
Ethics is a set of moral principles or values which is concerned with the righteousness or wrongness of human behavior and which guides your conduct in relation to others
(for individuals and organizations). Ethics is the activity of examining the moral standards of a society, and asking how these standards apply to our lives and whether these standards are reasonable or unreasonable, that is, whether they are supported by good reasons or poor ones.
Role of Ethics in HRM
The Human Resources Management has a code of ethics. It offers guidance in the areas of professional responsibility, professional development, ethical leadership, fairness and justice, conflicts of interest, and use of information. Among other things, it establishes an expectation that an HR professional:
• Add value by contributing to the ethical success of their organization,
• Practice HR at high level of professional competence,
• Serve as a role model for others to follow in ethical matters,
• Encourage fairness and justice,
• Protect the legitimate business interests of stakeholders, and,
• Honor the rights of individuals with regard to the use of information.
An ethical decision considers six important factors. Individuals and organizations often consider the factors after an action. The challenge for an HR Professional is to build them into the decision process. The six factors include:
1. Facts
An ethical decision starts with a careful analysis of the facts. It sets aside emotion and investment. It collects information about dates, times, numbers and other objective information. It uses that information to develop a clear picture of the issues involved in the decision.
2. Ethical Issues
Each situation is unique. It requires a careful analysis to determine the ethical issues that are involved. Those issues may range from fairness to honesty. They may include social or environmental responsibility. A law, regulation, or policy may