1.0 Introduction
The Headrow Hotel is a much-loved local landmark in Leeds city centre and was first opened in 1904 by the York family, with its location being ideal for the local business community and booming nightlife. The directors have recently decided to make major changes to the hotel by advancing it from a 3 to a 4-star status over the next twelve months. This specific objective will involve a more professional approach to the hotel’s operations with drastic alterations being made to the current old-fashioned standards of service through the addition of a Human Resource Manager. By employing this particular member of staff they hope to first identify, then address the hotel’s present human resource issues as well as the concerns they may face upon progression of the hotel; and to produce appropriate recommendation strategies in order to resolve the hotel’s HR issues. This will be carried out through the adaptation of relevant theory, principles and practices that will be presented in a report format to the hotel’s board of directors.
1.1 Context
The hospitality industry is certainly a profitable place, especially for businesses that follow the golden rule of “the customer is always right”. However, with customer service being such a significant part of the customer’s experience when staying in any modern-day hotel, there is always a possibility that the service is not fully satisfactory. Hotel clients have the potential to complain about almost anything in terms of the service they receive; such as the size of the toilet seat or the smell of the dining area. This can have massive impact on the hotel’s reputation if the customer then decides to create bad word-of-mouth advertising to their friends and family. Good reputation is paramount for hotels that want to increase their market-base and gain more regular stayers, which can prove difficult if staff do not contribute to helping the customer’s overall experience. Therefore
Bibliography: Text http://www.blurtit.com/q7114750.html (Sourced on 29/03/12) Foot, M. & Hook, C. (2005) Introducing Human Resource Management, 4th edition, Harlow & Pearson. (Sourced on 05/04/12) http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/business_for_business/article/staff-turnover-in-the-hotel-industry-two-realities/438729.html (Sourced on 12/04/12) http://bbvista.leedsmet.ac.uk/webct/urw/lc5116011.tp0/cobaltMainFrame.dowebct (Sourced on 24/04/12) Images http://www.corporatetrisg.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Human-Resource-Management-HRM-in-modern-organizations.jpg (Sourced on 29/03/12) http://www.kiwipumps.com/human-resource-development.html (Sourced on 02/04/12) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/90/Frederick_Winslow_Taylor_crop.jpg/200px-Frederick_Winslow_Taylor_crop.jpg (Sourced on 12/04/12) http://bbvista.leedsmet.ac.uk/webct/urw/lc5116011.tp0/cobaltMainFrame.dowebct (Sourced on 12/04/12)