Profile: HSBC Bangladesh
Submitted By:
Sultana Id:05-038 Batch-15th(BBAth-16th) Department of MIS University of Dhaka
Submitted to: Md. Rakibul Haque Assistant Proffessor Department of MIS University of Dhaka
TRAP-1 Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management is the management of human being to convert them into human resource. It is a field of management involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and motivating a labor force.
Figure 1: Functions of HRM.
Human resource management study includes human resource planning, job analysis, Managing Careers, Human Resource Information System, Recruitment, Selection, Performance Appraisal, Socialization, training and development on different organization. It helps to maintain the department’s contribution at a level appropriate with the organization’s needs.
HRM practices in Bangladesh:
HR managers had an inferior position in company hierarchy. They occupy a back seat in the company hierarchy. Their main functions is to maintain discipline and promote welfare of the employees. Now a days, many organizations have a personnel manager or HR manager. In large organization, it is HR director whose main functions are recruitment, discipline, industrial relations, etc.
Personality test result:
According to personality test from “human metrics jung typology test” my type is ISFJ which leads to career such as nursing, teaching, secretarial work, medical practice (especially general practice), librarian work, and middle management administrative jobs. I choose middle management administrative jobs as my career. According to my career, my assignment is on Human Resource management practices in HSBC, Bangladesh.
HSBC-The Organization:
HSBC is one of the world's largest banking and financial services organization with around 6,900 offices in both established and faster-growing markets, it aimed to be