This report was written in order to identify the HRM practices of the McDonald’s chain. Moreover, the choice of the company, its market and its current global position was approached in the purpose to outline the importance of the company.
The report was focus on McDonald’s to evaluate the change needed to the future regarding the current approach to HRM. Also, staffing issues were considering within McDonald’s as a part of any future decision on continuing global expansion.
To build this report, was using first hand research from academic sources, secondary articles from newspapers, journal, videos and web site and finally knowledge about Human Resource Management and McDonald’s policies.
The main findings of the report were to target HR approaches with models and theories in order to write future changes within McDonald’s company. It was concluded that organisation requires be aware about competitors and economical changes in the purpose to stay the most attractive and successful fast-food chain.
1 Introduction 2
2 McDonald’s organisation 2
2.1. HRM approach of McDonald’s 2
3 Evaluation of possible changes needed 5
4 Staffing Issue 6
4.1. Ethical aspect of culture 6
4.2. Supply of potential employees 7
5 Conclusion 9
6 Recommendations 9
Bibliography 10 LIST OF FIGURES
1.0 EPRG framework and companies size 3
2.0 Talent Management Model 8
In 1954, the first restaurant of the chain was opened in the world. Today, more than 32,400 restaurants are managed by McDonald’s to provide to customers “high quality food, quick service and value for money everyday” (Investor in People, 2008). Currently McDonald’s is archetypal multinational restaurant chain. Indeed, needless to specify that the fast food restaurant chain ranks first in the market place with over £23 billion turnover in 2009 (McDonald’s Corporation, 2009) ahead of many organizations. Currently, the company is
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