HRM has been developed over many years and has taken many steps in the process of change from the evolution of ‘personnel management’, to industrial relations, to employee relations onto human resources. The need for control over the human resources of an organisation came about during the industrial revolution as factory production became more and more dominant in the manufacturing process. The US were gradually shifting from an agricultural based economy to one of a more industrialised nature, therefore it became a priority for companies to develop effective means of attaining, training and maintaining a skilled workforce. This, along with the spurt in immigration into different countries from late 19th century until the 1940’s lead to a necessity for organisations to have adequate structures in place to manage employees. Social welfare techniques attempted to deal with diversity in the workplace as different nationalities were working and communicating with each other while working towards the same goals. The focus then shifted more so from the human side of employment to the unionised approach to employment, looking at work-place conditions as labour unions began to dictate the management of human resources. ( The protests and pressure put on organisations meant a greater need for more adequate human resource management programs to be put in place. Labour unions had existed since as early as the late 18th century and were gaining power all the way up until the start of the 20th century. The industrial welfare movement took place then which shifted employers focus onto more modern HRM techniques, as employees were being seen more so as human beings as opposed to units there to work and nothing else.
Bibliography: accessed 6/11/2008 accessed 5/11/2008 accessed 9/11/2008 Armstrong, M (2006), Human resources management practice, London Kogan page, Chapter 1 Storey J, Sisson, K.(1999); Managing Human Resources and industrial relations. (86-91) P.Gunnigle, N Heraty, M Morely (2006), Human Resource Management in Ireland, 3rd Edition, Ch. 1,2,6,7 & 10 Salamon, M. (1999) Industrial Relations Theory and Practice. 4th Ed, Essex, Prentice Hall, P 60-67 Carver. T. N,(1995), The present economic revolution in the United States, Boston, Little Browne and Co. (P. 90-122) (accessed through 12/11/2008)