This standard identifies the requirements when you support individuals to manage continence. This includes support to maintain continence and also to use equipment for managing continence.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
You must be able to:
Support individuals to maintain continence
P1 support the individual to communicate their preferences about managing their continence
P2 encourage the individual to communicate any changes relating to their continence
P3 check the individual’s care or support plan for information relevant to maintaining continence
P4 encourage the individual to make regular use of toilet facilities to enable them to achieve a pattern of elimination in line with strategies in their support plan
P5 monitor the individual’s patterns of elimination
P6 complete records and reports on any changes in the individual’s patterns of elimination, in accordance with work setting requirements
P7 support the individual to select food and drink and to take prescribed medication that will facilitate bowel and bladder action
P8 work in ways that support the active participation of the individual, maximising their self-respect, dignity and privacy
Support individuals to use equipment to manage continence
P9 encourage the individual to use recommended clothing, continence equipment and management techniques to manage continence
P10 support the individual to use continence equipment and management techniques correctly and in ways that maximise their self-respect, dignity and privacy
P11 provide continence equipment at a time and place convenient to the individual’s circumstances and preferences
P12 ensure that the individual knows how to call for help when using continence equipment and management techniques
P13 take appropriate action when the continence equipment and management techniques being used appear to be unsuitable
P14 ensure that equipment and soiled materials are disposed of