HSC037:PROMOTE AND IMPLEMENT HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Questions | Answers | Learning Outcome/Assessment criteria | Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting | | 1.1 | Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer | | 1.2 | Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities of: * Self * The employer or manager | | 1.3 | * Others in the work setting | | | Identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training | | 1.4 | Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting | | 3.1 | Explain procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur | | 3.2 | Explain own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection | | 4.1 | Explain the main points of legislation that relates to moving and handling | | 5.1 | Explain principles for safe moving and handling | | 5.2 | Describe types of hazardous substances that may be found in the work setting? | | 6.1 | Describe practices that prevent fires from: starting spreading | | 7.1 | Explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work settingExplain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts? | | 7.38.3 | Describe common signs and indicators of stress? | | 9.1 | Describe signs that indicate own stress? | | 9.2 | Analyse factors that tend to trigger own stress ? | | 9.3 | Compare strategies for managing stress? | | 9.4
HSC037:PROMOTE AND IMPLEMENT HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Questions | Answers | Learning Outcome/Assessment criteria | Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a health or social care work setting | | 1.1 | Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer | | 1.2 | Analyse the main health and safety responsibilities of: * Self * The employer or manager | | 1.3 | * Others in the work setting | | | Identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training | | 1.4 | Describe different types of accidents and sudden illness that may occur in own work setting | | 3.1 | Explain procedures to be followed if an accident or sudden illness should occur | | 3.2 | Explain own role in supporting others to follow practices that reduce the spread of infection | | 4.1 | Explain the main points of legislation that relates to moving and handling | | 5.1 | Explain principles for safe moving and handling | | 5.2 | Describe types of hazardous substances that may be found in the work setting? | | 6.1 | Describe practices that prevent fires from: starting spreading | | 7.1 | Explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work settingExplain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of own whereabouts? | | 7.38.3 | Describe common signs and indicators of stress? | | 9.1 | Describe signs that indicate own stress? | | 9.2 | Analyse factors that tend to trigger own stress ? | | 9.3 | Compare strategies for managing stress? | | 9.4