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Direct observation Reflective account X
Questions Expert witness
Product Witness testimony
Candidate name
Fiona Ness
Unit, Element, PCs
Whilst at work today I had my appraisal from my supervisor and this was also attended by my SVQ assessor.
My SVQ assessor carried out this direct observation for my, HSC 33 unit – Reflect on and develop your knowledge.
I had previously asked my manager if it was ok for my assessor to sit in on my appraisal and she was unsure about this as she thought this should be a private matter between my supervisor and I. I explained that I was more than happy for my SVQ assessor to sit in on the appraisal so my manager agreed. SSSC 2.6 declaring issues that might create conflicts of interest and making sure they do not influence your judgement or practice. This was not in-fringing on my Human Rights. The Human Rights Act 1998 guarantees basic human rights, this example: the right to freedom of thought and conscience, is my undertaking of the situation I found myself in when I asked my manager to have my assessor sit in on my supervision.
It is my employer’s responsibility to ensure that I receive regular appraisal and supervision times, to set goals for training and development as well as support from the line manager.
Today’s appraisal was planned in advance so it gave me time to reflect on any areas I thought I needed help in. Undertaking reflection alone is sometimes difficult, that’s why I find it important to make use of my supervisor in order to get feedback on what I have done. Support networks whether formal or informal, are one of the most effective means of identifying areas of my practice which need further development.
Reflection - On one occasion I made a mistake at my work. A gent that I knew of and, had seen in the building before and was made aware that he was coming to the home to see our