Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1941 (25 marks)
(a) To what extent was Lenin responsible for the Bolshevik consolidation of power?
(b) Assess the impact of Stalinism onthe Soviet state until 1941.
(a) Provide a detailed description of THREE significant events in the life of the personality you have studied.
(b) Assess the contribution of the personality you have studied to their period of national and/or international history.
Conflict in Indochina 1954–1979 (25 marks)
(a) Assess the importance of nationalism to the Vietnamese up to 1965.
(b) From 1965 the US implemented a policy of direct military involvement in Vietnam.
Evaluate the consequences of this policy.
Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1941(25marks)
(a) To what extent was the New Economic Policy (NEP) essential to the Bolshevik consolidation of power?
(b) Assess the impact of the purges on the development of Stalinism during the 1930s.
(a)Describe the life of the personality you have studied.
(b) ‘People are swept along by events. Some individuals use events to advantage.’ How accurate is this statement in relation to the personality you have studied?
Conflict in Indochina 1954–1979(25marks)
(a) Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and tactics used by the opposing sides during the Second Indochina War.
(b) Account for the rise to power of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1941 (25 marks)
(a) How significant was Lenin’s leadership in the Bolshevik consolidation of power in the period to 1924?
(b) To what extent can Stalinism be considered totalitarianism in the period to 1941?
Conflict in Indochina 1954–1979 (25 marks)
(a) Assess the importance of the Geneva Peace Agreement to developments within North and South Vietnam to 1964.
(b) To what extent were the anti-war movements in the United States responsible for communist victory in the Second Indochina War?
Russia and the Soviet