June 2008
Document Reference Number Revision Number Revision Date Review Date OQR012 4 20081210 200906 Document Drafted By Document Approved By Responsibility Office of Quality and Risk Ms. Edwina Dunne, Head of Quality and Risk Office of Quality and Risk
Introduction Risk assessment is an essential part of the risk management process and is the overall term covering the risk identification, analysis and risk evaluation part of the risk management process (AS/NZS Risk Management Standard 4360:2004). The management of risk is integral to the business process of all levels in the HSE. This is not only a HSE Board requirement as set out in the HSE’s Integrated Risk Management Policy but is also central to the HSE’s system of internal control.
Risk Management Process – Overview
Establish the Context
Com unicate and Consult m
Identify Risks
Risk Assessm ent
M onitor and Review
Analyse Risks
Evaluate Risks
Treat Risks
For management to ensure that the time spent on managing risks is proportionate to the risk itself, services should have in place efficient assessment processes covering all areas of risk. The HSE has developed a Risk Assessment Tool to support this process. This tool should be applied uniformly to all processes where risk assessment is required e.g. health and safety risk assessment, risk assessment for the purpose of developing and populating risk registers, project management etc. It is not intended that this tool replace the risk assessment process used in specific clinical or care situations e.g. falls, tissue viability etc.
Guidance on Risk Assessment and the use of the HSE’s Risk Assessment Tool 1. Identify the Risks Risk is defined as “the chance of something happening that will have an impact on the achievement of organisational stated objectives” (HSE 2008). This step in the risk assessment process seeks to identify the risks to be