There is one major difference between the accrual method of accounting and the cash basis of
accounting and that is that in the accrual method, the amount that is entered into the books is one that
has either not yet been paid or paid in full. The cash basis method of accounting revolves around the
basis of cash already received. Perhaps a better explanation of accrual accounting is that money that
has not yet been received can be recorded down on the books as payment received.
For a nonprofit business, the accrual method of accounting works better for the company. If they
were to use the cash method of accounting, then an amount would only be recorded when cash was
received for a service performed. The accrual method works much better because as soon as a service
is provided the amount owed is entered into the books.
The cash statement is important in any organizations financial management. The financial statement
gives the organization an accurate summary of all transactions flowing in or out of the organization.
Just in case there happens to be any discrepancy in the organizations finances, the cash flow will show
this problem right away.
All organizations financial stability rests on how much money they make and spend. An
organization must make sure that they are not spending more than they make so the organization does
not have to fear bankruptcy. With these accounting practices organizations can keep track of their
spending so they do not get into