Page1.htm and Page2.htm are created separately as "normal" html pages, and are contained within this master page. We used the keyword "cols" to indicate that we want to define column frames. To create rows instead, simply use the keyword "rows": <html> <frameset rows="50%,50%"> <frame src="page1.htm"> <frame src="page2.htm"> </frameset> </html> | page1 | page2 | | |
In both of these examples, we used percentage as the width measurement. You could also use pixels, with some caution, however: <html> <frameset cols="100,200,340"> <frame src="page1.htm"> <frame src="page2.htm"> <frame src="page3.htm"> </frameset> </html> | page1 | page2 | page3 | |
If you add up the total width (100+200+340=640), this will equal the width of a screen at resolution 640*480. Most 14' screens are set as