Tricia L. Miller
MGT 497
Thomas Hennefer
May 9, 2011
Huawei Strategic Information Technology Plan
Executive Summary
The Huawei Technologies organization is a leader in innovative technologies and has developed a strong strategy to expand and grow as innovators. Huawei Technologies has embraced technology and has been innovative since the inception of the firm. “Huawei has built comprehensive advantages in core areas such as wired and wireless broadband access, data communications, and optical transmission through years of continuous development” (Huawei). Ranked number five as one the most innovative companies of 2010, Huawei Technologies surpassed other leading telecom firms to rank higher than Nokia Siemens and Alcatel-Lucent and is currently ranked the number 2 telecom firm in the world (Lee, 2010). Huawei Technologies is a China based company, headquartered in Shenzen, and was founded in 1988. “The company is at the forefront of the latest mobile-phone-networks technology, meaning faster and clearer connectivity” (Lee, 2010).
Management of technology and innovation in today’s firms is essential and the need is expanding and growing at a rapid rate. Technology is making a huge impact on businesses today and effective management of these technologies and innovation is essential. Through the assessment of a firm’s Management of technology and innovations using the innovative capabilities audit framework is crucial in determining if a firm has the capabilities to be innovative and succeed in producing innovative technologies. Assessing sustainability and evaluating an organizations ability to be innovative can determine the success or failure of a venture. Huawei Technologies is a truly innovative organization and has shown that the organization is effective in producing innovative technology.
The innovation planning process is essential to the successful implementation of an innovative endeavor.
References: (2011). Huawei - a world-leading telecom solutions provider. Retrieved from Lee, A.C. (17 Feb. 2010). Fast - where ideas and people meet | fast company. Retrieved from White, M.A, & Bruton, G.D. (2011). The management of technology & innovation: A strategic approach (2nd ed.). South-Western/ Cengage.