In the novel Huckleberry Finn, Huck grew up with a slave, Jim, as his father figure. Since Huck's father was not in the picture, Jim filled that role even though he was a slave. As Huck and Jim ran away, Jim took care of Huck and put Hucks needs first, even if that meant risking his own freedom. These kind acts that Jim showed to Huck lead him into believing that Jim should be free because Huck knew how kind Jim was. However, this idea was not universalized by Huck.…
To begin with, among the many characteristics of Jim, his compassionate nature shows throughout the book. When Huck and Jim come across the floating boathouse, Jim finds a dead man inside. He advises Huck not to look as he says, "It's a dead man... dead two er three days... come in Huck, but doan' look at his face." At the end of the book the reader finds out that the dead man turns out as Huck's father. Further on down the river, Huck and Jim engage in a deep conversation. Jim speaks of the family he feels he has left behind. Jim tries hard to save up all his money in hopes of buying back his wife and children when he becomes a free man. He expresses that he feels terrible for leaving behind his family and misses them very much. As a result, Huck feels responsible and guilty for ruining Jim's freedom. Huck decides that he wants to reveal the truth, that Jim really isn't a free man. His conscience tells him not to and instead he finds himself helping Jim rather than giving him up. Jim feels so thankful to Huck when he says ". . .it's all on account of Huck, I's a free man, ... you's the best friend Jim's ever had..." Even further along, Huck becomes separated from Jim and living at the Grangerford's. Huck doesn't know if he'll ever see Jim again. He also doesn't realize Jim has found a hiding spot not very far away. He asks one of the Grangferford's slaves…
And at its attendance, Huck 's one last dim vestige of pride of status, his sense of his position as a white man, wholly vanishes (Trilling.1950, p.35-38)." "It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I wasn 't sorry for it afterwards either (Twain, p.95)." in this one act, Huck has become a heroic character. "When, in the urging of affection, Huck discards the moral code he has always taken for granted and resolves to help Jim in his escape from slavery. The intensity of his struggle over the act suggests how deeply he is involved in the society, which he rejects (Trilling.1950,…
First of all I that was a very noble deed because first of all he was brought up to believe helping a slave is very wrong and illegal. Second, if he was caught doing what he was doing he would have been in so much trouble, that his drunk father would care about what he did and be very angry with him and probably beat him immensely. On page 26, “ He kept me with him all the time and I never got a chance to run off… Every little while he locked me in and went down to the store, three miles, to the ferry and traded fish and game for whisky and fetched it home and got drunk and had a good time and licked me.” This quote showed me the reason to believe if he got caught helping Jim he would have got severely beaten and I felt that this was one reason it was a brave act of Huck’s part. Which leads to one act he did which was funny was dressing as a…
Throughout the book, Jim is displayed as a character of loyalty. No matter what the situation, or how hard it may be Jim remains loyal to his friends. Specifically in time such as the boat and the robbers, Jim shows loyalty when helping and not leaving Huck. Every time Huck was in trouble, Jim was always there to help. This characteristic is portrayed throughout the book.…
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn runs away from his life and travels down the Mississippi River with his friend Jim, a runaway slave. The story follows Huck 's moral growth and maturity throughout his many adventures and experiences. The major turning point of the book is when Huck realizes that Jim cares about him, and that he cares about Jim in return. As a child, Huck is taught that Jim isn 't a person because of his skin color and that he does not deserve respect, but Huck discovers that Jim is a person and deserves more respect than most people Huckleberry met on his journeys. He comes to this decision because Jim cares for him and treats Huck better than his own father. Huck says “All right, then, I 'll go to hell.” when he decides to go against the racist teachings of his childhood and help Jim get his freedom (Twain 216-217). The book was written to show what life was like in the 1840s and successfully revealed the way people viewed each other and people of other races. In the beginning of the story, Huck treats Jim poorly because he is taught that…
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an important novel that shows how the two worlds of Huck and Jim collide to bring out the problems of racism and slavery before the civil war. Huck was a young, naive boy who is oblivious to the outside world. Jim was a slave with a big heart who looked at the world in a whole different perspective. Throughout the journey together Huck and Jim’s relationship was shaken by the cold reality of racism and slavery, thus slowly opening Huck's eyes to the world around him and creating a new foundation for friendship. When Jim and Huck go on their journey outside of St.Petersburg, Missouri a whole new world was opened up to them, they saw the country like never before.…
In her article “Huck Finn: Born to Trouble” Katherine Schulten states that parents had additional worries, that Jim would never seem like a true hero to African American children because he does not resist thralldom. Mark Twain did not want Jim to be some tough guy, who went against the ways of society, who resisted slavery ; does that make the story bad? No it does not, Twain wrote Jim as he was because that is what he was presented with during the time of…
A character in a novel has a way of helping to move the plot forward. They provide whatever the plot needs whether it be comedic relief, drama, anger, or a push of action to get the plot moving forward. The novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain is set in the American South in the 1850s. In the novel, Huck Finn fakes his death and runs away with Jim, a runaway slave. They encounter many obstacles while both on the river and on land. By the end of the novel, Huck and Jim learn many things and grow closer to each other. Tom Sawyer is Huck’s best friend who influences what Huck does frequently throughout the novel. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer is portrayed as selfish, adventurous, and dramatic.…
Huck Finn was a boy who had a fair home he lived in had six thousand dollars in account but he was still a boy because he let stuff he knew was wrong slide and wouldn’t put it to justice or try to stop it. Like when Huck does the wrong thing and lies to Jim when they got caught in the huge storm he lies to his friend Huck says this to Jim after word "Well, this is too many for me, Jim. I hain't seen no fog, nor no islands, nor no troubles, nor nothing. I been setting here talking with you all night till you went to sleep about ten minutes ago, and I reckon I done the same. You couldn't a got drunk in that time, so of course you've been dreaming." When Huck finishes the and Jim plays along with for a bit he reveals to Huck that he knows what happened and is disappointed in Huck for lying to him who he had sailed with down the Mississippi for some time all just to not take the blame for not tying up the…
‘nigger’ , and further a healthy relationship with his slave, Jim. Huck is a very strong and smart person, although he isn’t learned, and can act ignorant from time to time. Mark Twain, many times makes Huck look like a non-admirable person, when Twain does this it degrades him and Huck. Twain did this because he was afraid of the social critics in his day. Huck was a good person despite what the ending of the book may have appeared him to be.…
Mark Twain displays the good in humanity through depictions of courage in the characters of Huckleberry Finn and Jim. Huck Finn, certainly one of the bravest characters in the novel, overcomes his hardships through his demonstration of courage. One example of his courage occurs upon a crashed steamboat, “The Walter Scott”, when Huck stumbles upon a ruthless band of cutthroats and attempts to stop them. Huck says, “if we find their boat we can put all of ‘em in a bad fix-for the Sheriff ‘ll get ‘em” (Twain 90). Huck demonstrates his fearlessness to risk his own life to bring several murderous criminals to justice. He displays the human virtue of heroism when he decides to free Jim from the clutches of the Phelps family. Although he thought it would cost him his life, Huck summons up the courage to help free Jim. To many, Huck Finn’s demonstration of courage may in fact personify their connotation of courage, however, to others it may only display bravery.…
Jim helps Huck develop greater character changes throughout the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain. In the story Huck learns a lot of lessons on how to grow into a better and more trustworthy friend. Jim helped him throughout the story to show him a different side of life, and how everyone is different and they grow in different surroundings. Jim and Huck both grew in maturity with their life, and wanted the best for one another. Huck finds out a new identity for the world as he grows later on in the story.…
Jim influences Huck’s morality by showing him that black people can be more than just farm workers they have feelings.…
Subsequently, Huck helps others, gaining experience. Huck says, “At last I struck the time I saved him by telling the men we had smallpox aboard, and he was so grateful; and said I was the best friend old Jim ever had in the world (Twain 228).” Huck risked quite a bit when he helped Jim, especially helping an escaped slave. He risked going to jail and even had a conscience breakdown but he still decides to help Jim become a free man, even though he risks his own life. The king and duke were con men and Huck would defend the money they were after to help Mary Jane’s family. Huck feels the moral obligation to help the people that the king and duke are going to swindle of money (“The Adventures of…” 4). Huck defends Mary Jane and her family’s…