Mark Twain introduced The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to the world in 1884. The adventures of a rebellious 13-year-old boy, named Huck, captured audiences since its release. Set before the Civil War that viciously broke out during Twain’s lifetime, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn used its witty humor, ironic references, and relatable characters to create a deeper meaning in the book’s plot that has made a place in the hearts of many. Scattered throughout the pages of a classic, Mark Twain incorporates symbolism to spread his voice in a very controversial time period. Racism, religious fundamentalism, and undesirable traits are cleverly satirized in an unforgettable journey toward freedom. Despite The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn popular reputation in literature history, Mark Twain also successfully framed Huck’s world to spread a deeper message that fought for equality with his satirical symbolism.
The audience follows Huck’s perspective as his efforts are invested in protecting a slave named Jim. Mark Twain created Huck out of the stereotypical image of young boys in the South – an uneducated troublemaker. By the end of the book, his maturity has grown enough to accept racial differences. Mark Twain’s stance on racism was a difficult message to spread when the nation was separated between pro/anti-slavery. Surrounded by friendships with delinquents, a racist society, and the rushed process of maturity, Huck Finn impressively carries the ability to overcome these factors that cleverly suited him into Mark Twain’s message. Because of the controversy around racism, Huck’s age plays into the common sense that the people of the South lacked before the Civil War. Huck’s personality and age is ironic because he stands as a more likable, mature character than the rest of society that was presented by Twain – older, selfish, and ironic contradictions in their religious beliefs.
The South’s society is greatly satirized in different