
Huckleberry Finn Double Standard Of Deception Essay

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Huckleberry Finn Double Standard Of Deception Essay
Gloria, Zhang
Mr. Pierotti
American Literature

E3 - Huckleberry Finn

5. Why does Twain seem to have a double standard of deception? Why do we approve of Huck's lies but disapprove others?

We treat something or someone very differently with the same situation. That's my understanding of the phrase "double standard." In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain has a double standard of deception. Most of the people lie for money, or lie for selfish reasons. But Huck lies to help others. Also, Huck is only a child; we can accept his lies because he has a child's innocence by nature.

Huck is a child, and he has a child's innocence by nature. People allowing Huck to lie without consequence is okay because he is too young to know better. There

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