Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar
What does being a school leader mean to me? If I had been asked this question a few years ago, I’m not sure I’d know how to answer. As I would expect, you have probably received the standard responses involving improving the school or making a change. Those are both good, but in my case it’s a little different. I was taught that having success is good, great actually, something to try and achieve. It was what lead you to a bright and happy future, but I don’t believe that’s all there is to it and nothing more. I believe in a spark. Now you may be bewildered by the idea of people having blazing infernos inside of them, but just hear me out. Something people like school leaders
do is light a fire inside of you. A spark of inspiration and passion that makes you want the success that everyone talks so highly of. I want to be that person for somebody. Showing someone how to get success is easy and anyone can do that, but it takes someone with passion to create the will to be better than the standards of the world. Paul Shane Spear had once spoken the words, “As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”